Migration guide from 4.x to 5.x

This guide explains how to proceed with the migration from version 4.x to version 5.x of your current code. If you are still using the old version, it is highly recommended to update, since you wont get any future updates nor new features.

Changelog summary

  • Removed old amazon module, check this migration guide if still using it.

  • Updated custom exceptions names.

How to upgrade?

Upgrading to the last version of this module is as easy as running this pip command:

pip install python-amazon-paapi --upgrade

What should I change in my current code?


Exceptions names have changed, removing the Exception part of the name or replacing it with Error. They should be adjusted as bellow:

AmazonException                 ->  AmazonError
AsinNotFoundException           ->  AsinNotFound
AssociateValidationException    ->  AssociateValidationError
InvalidArgumentException        ->  InvalidArgument
InvalidPartnerTagException      ->  InvalidPartnerTag
ItemsNotFoundException          ->  ItemsNotFound
MalformedRequestException       ->  MalformedRequest
ApiRequestException             ->  RequestError
TooManyRequestsException        ->  TooManyRequests

I need more help

You can always ask for help in our Telegram group or raise an issue on Github for help. If you find that this guide could be improved somehow, feel free to send a pull request with your changes.